Thursday, May 15, 2008

I really want to post

But I might be too tired. I have been thinking all day about something that would be a good blog topic and I cannot remember what the topic was. It was so good and appropriate.

I have failed. Many apologies. It's all just a little overwhelming. OH! I remember now!
I was going to write about how I am trying really hard to NOT imagine what his return will be like or how will be or what we should do or ANYTHING. It never turns out how I imagine anyways, so why agonize? The answer is: because I can't stop! Lol. SO every time I catch my self "imagining" I remind myself that imagine is pigeon holing, so I have to stop. It's hard. You just want everything to be perfect. It is not like if it isn't the world will end, or we won't recover. I know what will be perfect will be whatever Adam wants when he gets home. THUS I am trying not to plan anything. Sigh. I have to move out of my cabin in Wyoming so my sister can have it and my new apartment isn't ready yet so I guess my new home in Washington really will be my new home. How strange. Well here we go brave new world.....

Ugh I am so dang tired nothing sounds good. I am going to bed

1 comment:


Such a great stop imagining. If only I could do it! :)

My brain has been nothing but daydreams since I found out about his upcoming leave in October. I don't want to have expectations because expectations lead to disappointment....

Get some rest. You have quite a move ahead of you!