Monday, June 30, 2008

stupid people at airports and why Jenna very much dislikes them..

(( because I try never to hate people))

Ok I don't know if you have ever heard he is my very favorite comedian, and I am including a youtube snippet of his work. I have all his cds and I even got to see him live at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.

Needless to say I love the guy's work. He does this spiel about STUPID PEOPLE IN AIRPORTS. He says, I think they should have people walking around with the skinny end of a fishing pole.... the really flexible part. Anytime anyone does something stupid, wham just pop em on the back of the neck. Then you'd be walking don the street and see something with that welt on the back of the neck and say,"hey you did somethign stupid at the airport."

I really like his stuff because he doesn't swear and my little sisters love his work. i cna probably quote all 3 of his CDs. They are up on youtube and honestly are really a treat in the car and guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

I have to say just thinking about it has made feel a little more smiley.Very funny guy. Great for car trips!

Anyways, Adam has an awards ceremony and I am missing it because I am traveling. I am very sad. He promises me there will be more I can come to, so I don't feel totally horrid. On a final not before I board the plane, you can check our my alter ego, where I am post pictures of all the yarn I dyed:


Sunday, June 29, 2008

I really wish I had time to post..

cuz that would signify the end of the craziness and a moment of me time.

Ha ha anyways. I have a plane to catch in 4 hours.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Someone joked to me today that I might not make it through the vacation without Adam. It kind of feels that way. I know that sounds irrational, but when you have spent so much time apart it is hard to be rational. Don't try to talk "sense" into me, because I honestly don't want any. I love that I am head over heels in love with Adam and I don't want to change that.

As long as I am confessing..... Adam is cute. THAT'S NOT A BAD THING!!! I think I definitely see a side of him that other people don't see. That's ok with me too. I don't really wanna share.....People keep telling me this "honey moon" feeling will fade. I hope it doesn't. I'm so darn tickled with how thoughtful he is and how well he puts up with the craziness.

Caitlin and I were discussing the Army friends weirdness about the army "buddies." Like some of Adam's "army buddies" I keep trying to invite them over and Adam makes excuses. Then I leave and he hangs out with them. I am not bothered by this, but it just strikes me as funny. Maybe it is not just an army thing, maybe it is just a guy thing too. Adam is funny.

Yes I am going to survive with out him, but only for 6 days. :D

Things are going well for me. I think that my dye stuff will be going pretty well soon.
I'll give you a sneak peak:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leavin' on a jet plane....

but have to leave butthead behind! :: Cue crying::

I am slated to go somewhere's "on business" and it happens to be my mother's house in VERMONT, but I am going without Adam which always causes tears, and the snotting of Adam's shirts. He doesn't seem to mind. He is a great sport. So in my guilty state of leaving him behind I am really giving the housey-house a good clean and running a bunch of errands that we have been meaning to run. Can we say guilty conscience? How guilty do you have to feel to clean? In my case pretty dang guilty. It's only for 6 days, and then I will be back with him again, but still.

But hopefully this trip will prove to be financially rewarding and I am hoping that it is a stepping stone on the path to financially more stable so... in the interest of our long term future; I am going. Yes siree bob, it is time for me to take on for the team.

Anyways, I am off to catch a plane among other things.

A SHOUTOUT to a friend of mine who is an amazing artist, go check out his stuff: or his store where he sells prints and stuff:

Monday, June 23, 2008

WARNING: Blissful Jenna on the Prowl

All I have to say is: THE WAIT IS WORTH IT. OMG it is so nice to have him home. I am floating on cloud nine.

I had a panic day where I was worried about whether I had made the right choice and what if I had prince charming-ized Adam and what was I doing here away from everything I had known and then I was reading this uber conservative Christian book about relationships and I freaked out.. So i went cry to Adam and he held me and said everything thing was going to be fine and this was normal and i would get used to it an I would develop a schedule. You know all the stuff I need to hear on a regular basis.

And he was right. The things I was worried about, panned out, and things make sense again. It's not perfect, I am learning. I am learning I have to start cooking dinner before we get hungry or we will eat out or snack before I get it done. I am learning that both of us have A LOT of shoes. I am learning to take my vitamins (::glares as Adam hands her her vitamins and drink::) and to enjoy someone caring about me enough to make me take them. I am learning he is a lot more efficient at building the furniture that comes out of a box if I DON'T try and help.

I think the transition of I don't need his help to do this stuff, to I can let him help me do stuff was kind of a hurdle. No I don't need him to make me breakfast, but he will sometimes. It's wonderful.

Saturday we went hiking with some friends of mine and although I am not a great hiker it was so great to see friends and hang out. I really enjoyed the hell out of it. Which informs me that I should try and make some more friends while I am here. I am not really sure how I am going to pull it off. I am sure I will.

I bought a book on hikes and "walks" in my area there is a lot of stuff around here to walk around :). So if anyone is in the area and wants to go on "walks". Maybe we could meet in some very public place and go on a walk.

I am heading to Vermont to do some business with / for my mother for a week. I hope Adam is going to be ok here in the house by himself.... with out me cooking vegetables for him..... :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hiding Out

I haven't really been hiding out. I have just been weirdly busy, I have things that I have to do, but no one to force a schedule on me so I feel very lost. When Adam comes home there are errands to run immediately and I know he dislikes that. Fortunately he gets a 4 day this weekend. We could could us the lax time.

As far as living together, we are having fun to say the least. However in terms of having the right stuff at the right time and being in the right place I am missing my mark a little. Dinner is usually late, and i still working on things that Adam will eat. Usually if I cook a mistake I eat it anyways because I am too lazy to cook more. I didn't realize how sort of off putting some of my mistakes are.

I love shopping at the commissary. Adam hates it. I can't go with out him. That's too bad.

I can't tell if I am slacking and need to get my butt in gear, or if I am just transitioning and this much wobbling is just normal.

Anyways. I know it has been quiet on my end, but it is hard to tell what I shoudl and can post about now. Definitely Wobbly.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Settling in..

I thought about calling this post day 2, but then I will start counting since he was deployed and that seems like a silly way to measure our lives. I am loving living with Adam. Yesterday my stepmother (my smother) came over with my little sisters and all of us cooked dinner (Taco Salad). I had a some margaritas, I bought that Jose Cuervo Gold premade, with the Grand Marnier; I was pretty dang impressed. Then I made brownies for dessert. We all sat out on my tiny patio with all my bajillion candles lit, and it was pretty fun.

I love having my family here, but they are leaving today. It's time for me to get on with my day a little more. I am still wanting a nap after Adam leaves for work. I am hoping that I will get used to his schedule a bit more. Today he is off to see the dentist.

It's pretty funny. I know next to nothing about the army, so poor Adam, I am CONSTANTLY asking questions about what he supposed to do and how X works and yadda yadda. There is a lot of stuff to understand that for sure.

Anyways, he woke up this morning and said,"YEAY! We survived day one!" He is so funny. Having him go to work is hard I start to get antsy and worry when he is gone for to long now. Hopefully he won't be called away really soon because that would be hard. I am getting used to it. Maintaining a house is a lot of work.Well small nap then some dishes.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The first day of the rest of our lives...

BTW the last post about him being home, was my 150th. Dang I am prolific.

So he is home. NOW WHAT..... Lol its not quite that bad, but I definitely do have that sensation. Time didn't stop. We are continuing on with our lives.

It's weird because, it seems like we just picked up where we left off. Like he was here last week too. It is like the whole deployment was a bad dream. :: looks around suspiciously::

Anyways, this morning we got up ungodly early, took showers and I made him breakfast. He got got dressed in his "outfit", (that what I have taken to calling it) and we sat around eating breakfast very quietly...... I smiled and looked at him, "It seems really ...domestic... and normal.... and almost dooming, It seems like the first day of the rest of our lives....." He said,"I was thinking the same thing." We laughed. I said,"Haven't you always wanted a maid and a chef?" He said,"Not particularly, but now that I have one... it's not too shabby..." ;)

After he left I was still pretty tired, I need more sleep then he seems to, so I took a short nap.

So today's theme is definitely, NOW WHAT? The big excitement /hulabaloo is over and he is home and we have had a day hanging out having fun. Now I have to decide what to tackle next. I have plenty of things to do that I have been pushing away and avoiding and now I must face them and get on with my life. With Adam. It is still hard to wrap my head around.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

He's Home

After 4 freaking hours plus of spastic behavior on my part, he is here.


Monday, June 9, 2008


I found him. They called and told me where he was.....

You will know when he is home, because, it will be really quiet on my end.....



Ok so where did he go? He got online yesterday and said, I am in the big K and I don't know when I am getting on my flight... ok, not comforting. So am looking at the frg site, frg site says,"Here are the x number of flights, manifests will be posted when they board." yadda yadda. So in my head, for them to arrive on this date at this time they would have to leave so many hours before, thus due to my ingenious and uninformed calculations, I should check manifests! Yay. They just went up, yeay!

10 minutes later..... He is not on ANY of these list for manifests. Neither him nor his battle buddy. So I check them again. Nope. Check my email. Nope. No voicemails either. Hmm weeeellllll.... where could he have gone? I get a grip and pace some more. We get to play our FAVORITE ARMY GAME: Based on the clues and some logic (not totally logical, because if this system were totally logical there would be less guessing), we get to try and put together a scenario of what could have happened that doesn't make us want to curl up into a little ball and cry.

SCENARIO 1: Maybe he didn't make a plane. Good News about this: He will prolly call or im so I KNOW.

SCENARIO 2: He has made the plane, but is not on the manifest.... Seems unlikely. Clues that support this theory: At the end of the manifest list there are some highlighted spots, Does that mean that there were more seat on the plane and something happen that they didn't get the name? Good News about this: He would be on a plane out of there and coming home.

SCENARIO 3: There are planes that are coming back that are not listed. Clues that support this: Currently I am voting for this theory because I thought it would take more than that to bring back his group or club or whatever they are called. His HERD of soldiers. There is a group unit I can relate too. Good News about this: He would be on a plane back and coming home.

So I am hoping I have heard where the heck he is by the time I am supposed to meet him where I am supposed to meet him. Knowing me I don't know if I could NOT go to the homecoming he MIHGT be at, then he probably won't be there and I will be very upset.

I am not allowing myself to think about ANY OTHER SCENARIOS. Though I am aware others might exist.

That concludes this session of MY FAVORITE ARMY GAME.

Maybe is he hanging out with Alice and the Queen of Hearts..... ;)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Owie and the big K

Someone asked me today if I was excited. I am. Sort of. I was super insane over the top excited about 30 -35 days ago. Now I am just here and happy to be here but in a little bit of shock. Adam called today from the big K and I was happy to hear that he was safe, but at the same time, there was nothing he could really talk about and he had nothing to do. I talked at him for a little while and while I was chatting with him I bent down to look at some silverware and some how popped my knee out. I tried to pop it back in by straightening it and it really hurt for a second and then it seemed better. I am not sure what I did, but man it hurts like hell! Now it is sore and hurts to bend. If i stand on it straight it is fine, but if I move and bend (like to sit down or to get up or to get out of the car) OWIE! :( Not good.

I wish I could tell you about the count down, but I can't and that makes sense. So yeah. Pam leaves tomorrow, and my stepmom is coming to visit with my other sister. I very affectionately call my step mother my smother. It will be good to see her.

I bought curtains today. They are gold and I love them and I hope Adam likes them. I kept handing off the phone today after I hobbled myself because it is super awkward to shop and talk on the phone you can't tslk about anything personal. Finally, I kind of told the butt head I had to go, and that was kind of sad for him, but there is nothing else I can do for him here and now.

I am a little worried because I do feel kind of dull to him coming home and I am wondering what is wrong with me??? I think it is because he won't truly be mine until everyone leaves, or I wonder if I am just suppressing all my feelings about everything right now? It is very surprising to me that I am so blank. I feel really lost. Really lost, when I am awake I want to be sleeping and when I am sleeping I constantly wake up. I don't know what the problem is. I think it is that everyone is coming and going and I am thankful for all the support I just need some quiet time with my thoughts. I think I am just going to get my stepmom a hotel room, then I will be alone in my apartment but not too alone. It is so weird that I am on overload because I was living by myself with no friends for so long. Anyways, we will see how I feel in the next couple of days. So weird. Night.

Friday, June 6, 2008

I wanna post....

... but I am too damn tired. Sry Guys- I have to take some time and sleep. I don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow. POD is unloaded, horses are set. Most of the stuff is in the house, even though it's messy. I tripped over something going to bed. The swearing is out of control. But we are here. Alive and well. My sister (15 years old) and Adam's Mom are both here helping me and we got a lot done, everything went way smoother than I could have imagined and the realization that Adam is going to be moving in with me is hitting me like a ton of bricks. I am going to bed and I will think about it in the morning as I am going to be kind to myself for once and GO TO BED AT A REASONABLE HOUR. Maybe I will get a call from Kuwait sometime soon. One can only hope. It's like the lull before the storm eh? On top of that, TGIF so I don't even have the option of calling people back as it is not a business day. THANK GOD!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Missoula, MT

I am here. Barely. Very frustrating day. I didn't know/ remember that you need to buy special CERTIFIED WEED FREE HAY to drive through Yellowstone. SO I had to go around. It took 2 extra hours. Then I couldn't stop sneezing or my eyes watering. Then we got here and got lost! The pens for the horses are so-so.

BUT we are here! There is a best western, starbucks and cracker barrel. Rae and I am having fun! One more day until we are in Washington and gong to finish moving. I am just plowing through. I am just not letting anything me. I guess that is all I can do.

I have to get some sleep.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I made it to Wyoming.

And I am leaving for Washington Wednesday. I am borrowing my little sister, Rae to travel with me.

The last couple of days, on my way here, the clutch went out of my truck, SO I thought I was going to have to fly to Wyoming and borrow my Dad's truck. Fortunately I found someone to replace my clutch in ONE day. They were very nice.

I manage to make the long 2 days to Wyoming. I stopped in Colorado Springs, and saw some old friends and that provided some much needed relief and stress break.

So I got in and I started cleaning packing doing my to do list. Then my stepmom showed up and was like, "You should come drink margaritas and stay at my house, I have "your" bed all made up." I thought to my self stay at my house, make my own bed, OR have margaritas and not have to deal with anything..... TOUGH CHOICE.

So I am hiding out and shirking from some of my responsibilities. I got a bunch of stuff done, but i have a bunch more to do. I am going to make a list of what seems feasible. I just want to go now to Washington and not deal with any of the stuff here. I does feel good though in some ways to move out of my old "childhood" room so my sister Sarah can have it. It feels like I am really growing up, and consolidating and throwing out a lot of stuff I really don't need. So it is good. All my responsibilities to the horses here at the ranch are just going to have to wait until I really have a good amount of time to dedicate to them. Hopefully I will find some time in July. I don't have anything so pressing it cannot wait another 2 months. That is what I have to keep telling myself. It is hard though to see all the work that needs to be done and not freak out. Sigh. Soon is getting sooner. :) I am very excited. I should be in Washington by Thursday evening. Then all I have to do is unload my stuff and wait for Adam to come home. Spend time with Adam's Mom Pam and my family (if they have time to come).

Adam here I come!