Thursday, June 12, 2008

The first day of the rest of our lives...

BTW the last post about him being home, was my 150th. Dang I am prolific.

So he is home. NOW WHAT..... Lol its not quite that bad, but I definitely do have that sensation. Time didn't stop. We are continuing on with our lives.

It's weird because, it seems like we just picked up where we left off. Like he was here last week too. It is like the whole deployment was a bad dream. :: looks around suspiciously::

Anyways, this morning we got up ungodly early, took showers and I made him breakfast. He got got dressed in his "outfit", (that what I have taken to calling it) and we sat around eating breakfast very quietly...... I smiled and looked at him, "It seems really ...domestic... and normal.... and almost dooming, It seems like the first day of the rest of our lives....." He said,"I was thinking the same thing." We laughed. I said,"Haven't you always wanted a maid and a chef?" He said,"Not particularly, but now that I have one... it's not too shabby..." ;)

After he left I was still pretty tired, I need more sleep then he seems to, so I took a short nap.

So today's theme is definitely, NOW WHAT? The big excitement /hulabaloo is over and he is home and we have had a day hanging out having fun. Now I have to decide what to tackle next. I have plenty of things to do that I have been pushing away and avoiding and now I must face them and get on with my life. With Adam. It is still hard to wrap my head around.


Caitlin said...

Hehe I think your feeling are textbook in terms of deployments, from everything I've read anyway. Life is more about the small things rather than huge prolific moments where time stops and you walk on water and stuff. It's a good feeling to pick up where you left off rather than starting all over again, too :)


tootie said...

That's great that he's home! Enjoy your time together :)