Monday, June 9, 2008


Ok so where did he go? He got online yesterday and said, I am in the big K and I don't know when I am getting on my flight... ok, not comforting. So am looking at the frg site, frg site says,"Here are the x number of flights, manifests will be posted when they board." yadda yadda. So in my head, for them to arrive on this date at this time they would have to leave so many hours before, thus due to my ingenious and uninformed calculations, I should check manifests! Yay. They just went up, yeay!

10 minutes later..... He is not on ANY of these list for manifests. Neither him nor his battle buddy. So I check them again. Nope. Check my email. Nope. No voicemails either. Hmm weeeellllll.... where could he have gone? I get a grip and pace some more. We get to play our FAVORITE ARMY GAME: Based on the clues and some logic (not totally logical, because if this system were totally logical there would be less guessing), we get to try and put together a scenario of what could have happened that doesn't make us want to curl up into a little ball and cry.

SCENARIO 1: Maybe he didn't make a plane. Good News about this: He will prolly call or im so I KNOW.

SCENARIO 2: He has made the plane, but is not on the manifest.... Seems unlikely. Clues that support this theory: At the end of the manifest list there are some highlighted spots, Does that mean that there were more seat on the plane and something happen that they didn't get the name? Good News about this: He would be on a plane out of there and coming home.

SCENARIO 3: There are planes that are coming back that are not listed. Clues that support this: Currently I am voting for this theory because I thought it would take more than that to bring back his group or club or whatever they are called. His HERD of soldiers. There is a group unit I can relate too. Good News about this: He would be on a plane back and coming home.

So I am hoping I have heard where the heck he is by the time I am supposed to meet him where I am supposed to meet him. Knowing me I don't know if I could NOT go to the homecoming he MIHGT be at, then he probably won't be there and I will be very upset.

I am not allowing myself to think about ANY OTHER SCENARIOS. Though I am aware others might exist.

That concludes this session of MY FAVORITE ARMY GAME.

Maybe is he hanging out with Alice and the Queen of Hearts..... ;)

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Haha I love the Army game! If by "love" you mean "hate with a fiery red hot passion." I wouldn't put too much into the FRG manifest, they don't get a ton of info (just more than you do). Rob said if you don't hear from him in 24 hours he's most likely on the way home. Best of luck and congrats!