Monday, May 5, 2008

Forward Group?

I guess Adam's forward group came home a couple days ago. It was explained to me that means there is a serious increase of likely hood that he will come home when they say he will! It might be real folks. I just don't believe it.

I started figuring out my schedule to make my way to Washington. When I am flying, when I am driving what I am taking home, what I am packing in my pod, and what will actually fit in my horse trailer and there for is going to Washington by default. The biggest thing is what am I going to do with my trunk. Right now I use it as a coffee table. It is a little high though. I guess I could take it and put a piece of glass on it and make look like a real coffee table. Some how it is almost the same color as the chairs, so it looks sort of awkward. I am thinking about just taking it home to Wyoming because it doesn't really fit anywhere in the new apartment. I wonder if Adam has this trunk. I don't think he has. I bought it at an auction for 10$, its an antique. My stepfather and i sanded and cleaned and painted it. I have taken it almost every where with me. I think he has seen it. MINA IT WAS IN THE GARAGE! DO YOU REMEMBER? DO YOU THINK I SHOULD BRING IT TO WASHINGTON? ((I don't think he can hear me))

So close but yet so far...I mean it really does seem like Never Never Land. Adam definitely qualifies as Peter Pan. He was Peter Pan one year for Halloween, I have the pictures of him in green tights to prove it. He loved those green tights :D, he wore them all the time after Halloween, when he was cold, under his jeans. Good thing that sort of stuff doesn't embarrass him. I declined to be Wendy and instead was Captain Hook, I spray painted my hair black, he didn't even recognize me. :( No One did.

Today was a good day. I bought a lot of tack today and ran a bunch of errands. I rode my horses.

That's all I feel like writing today. I am feeling less then prolific. :D

As a side note, I do have to say I have some Texas readers, and I complain about Texas a lot and to those readers I apologize. It's just not my permanent place. I don't think people really get me here and that's okay.



Girl, I get ya just fine. And you're welcome if you ever want to visit Texas again! :)

S.J. said...

When is your boy scheduled to come home again? And are you moving to Washington the state? That's where my boyfriend is stationed at when he is not on deployment.