Thursday, May 22, 2008


I made it. I am tired. Disillusioned, and lost BUT: I got ride in Adam's new car and GO THROUGH ALL HIS STUFF!

It was great! I found some things of mine that some how never made it back into my possession after our break up at boarding school..... ADAM! YOU STOLE MY GREEN HALTER! YOU JERK! Hmnt you have some explaining to do..... I am sure you were saving it for me. I decided that your bull riding accoutrement could stay here in NM.

So everything is set to be repacked in the car tomorrow and away we will go. Adam has a lot of "weird" army stuff. Operating manuals, a helmet, hats. I saved all his chicken books, they are coming with me to Washington.

Anyways its really late. Hopefully I will sleep.




You crack me up! Sometimes I feel like I'm nosing into a discussion that doesn't involve me! You two are TOO cute together.

Rest up!

Caitlin said...

Haha oh man, when Rob left I went through a ton of his stuff and it was sweet. Especially all his pictures...he had some from when he was a really little kid and I stole all of them to scan. :) I'm glad you had fun and have a great day.

Thanks for the vote of driving confidence!

Unknown said...

i want to go to washington!!!! =(

drive safely. drink lots of caffeine and don't drive sleepy.

i'm so excited for youuuuuu!