Wednesday, September 26, 2007

So small...

Adam left again. I am sitting around "taking a vacation" from my life, though that just means I take the time to clean the house. Sigh. So I am sitting around, sifting through letters he wrote me, old pictures (ones of before we were dating and ones not),reading his myspace for like the 50 millionth time and just generally missing him. Where I am and what I do every day seems so small and far away form him and what he does everyday.

Last night I was looking at the almost full moon and thinking when the moon shines next where he is he will see it and probably think of me since we have such a funny history with the stars (we met in astronomy class) and he will know that the moon is WAXING lol. I drove home from helping my stepmom's house. It was cool and the moonlight was so clear and crisp it was crazy and perfect. It was like being the only human being on the planet, so vast and pretty.

Whenever I feel crazy or frustrated or think this will never work out, I just look at everything that has happened so far and look at all the little signs that turn up every single day. Some people don't believe in signs. All I can say is the probability of all of these things happening as coincidences is like less than winning the lottery....SOme coincidence, and honestly if it is a coincidence, I would much rather see it as a sign from God (that is a "please don't screw this up again sign, it's exhausting to watch!" sign)

I think the most obvious sign is that when we both found out we could talk to each other again, we both jumped at the chance.....

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