Saturday, September 29, 2007

I broke my hand

So I probably will be forced to lay low. It's pretty embarrassing how I did it so we will leave that cute little detail out. I dislocated the right most bone on my right hand and they had to knock me out to reset it. They took another xray after they reset it and the xray showed that I had broken 2 bones. So I am in a temporary cast. It sucks.... grrrrrr.

Happy Birthday Lala!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes Jenna!

You can't top my "most embarrasing way to break a bone" story. My mom likes to bring it up sometimes, just to see my squirm.

I was 11, and I was getting ready to take a shower. But I was standing on a stool so that I could see into the mirror (I was making lots of funny faces, generally amusing myself). I was so involved in making faces that I didn't pay attention to how I was taking off my jeans. So they got somewhere past my knees, I lost my balance, my feet were all but tied up, I fell backwards off the stool.... Broken wrist.

Luckily I was 11 and not 20 when this happened. So... I'm dying to know!!! =)