Monday, April 21, 2008

where to even start?

Reading about other people's deployments is weird. It's almost like a pregnancy, we ciuld write a "What to Expect" book, for each part of the deployment. Everyone who experiences any kind of deployment has their story to tell about it. How they got through it, what it meant to them, how it changed them. It is weird reading about people who are close to the finish line and wishing you were there and reading about people who are just getting a started and remembering what it was like when you were there.

I had a whammo moment tonight when an Adam memory hit me like a semi truck and missing him was so intense it hurt! One time when we were first getting to know each each other, Adam took like 10 minutes to tie my shoe laces together in horrible horrible horrible knots and I just smiled and watched. When he decided I was sufficiently incapacitated he did something that he knew would make me chase him. I jumped up wriggled out of my shoes and tackled him... Mwa ha ha :: evil laff:: Served him right. I think he was a little shocked. That's such an Adam and Jenna thing. LOL

Today was just a really long day. I have been pushing missing him out of my mind as much as possible lately. I think that if I had known more about the deployment stuff I would make sure to have a good community of people who are fun to hang out with during a deployment. For this deployment I have been pretty lonely. I do not recommend moving to a new place where you know NO ONE. Just a tid bit of advice there.......

Anyways, I need to go to bed so I can get up for work tomorrow.

I know I left you guys kind of hanging with that last post, but I haven't had a chance to think any more about it. I haven't had time to do anything really. I really want to get one last really good care package off to Adam. Poor guy I haven't sent a care package since I sent his cheesecake mid March. I think that as much as I fight it, the care packages get less and less as the deployment goes on. I have run out of cool things to send him.... :( Sigh. OH and yes SidLovely, I am in the bath tub, but its a tiny rental tub so one of those storage bin lids fits across the top perfectly and I set my laptop on it and I put just a little water in the tub and soak. I wish I wasn't so sore and stiff from all the riding. Oh well.Nighty Nite.


S.J. said...

Would I be one of those newbies you are talking about ;)? Haha. I agree with you though. I like reading through other people's stories and experiences to know that whatever I feel/will feel is normal. It's good to know that there are other people out there, because sometimes it feels like I'm all by myself.
I feel ya on the being lonely part. Being in Australia is lonely too...can't wait to get home.


It is so true! And you're right, it does seem similar to pregnancy.

By the way, here's a good blog for care package ideas:

Glad he's coming home soon for you.

Caitlin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caitlin said...

AHH I accidentally deleted the comment I wrote. Basically I meant to say, I understand what you mean about reading blogs of other military wives/girlfriends and realizing what you feel is normal. To me, with a deployment, just about anything short of the really crazy stuff is pretty normal.

I didn't really have anyone to talk to when Rob was gone either...I think that's one benefit to living on post if you're married. There were a few wives/girlfriends of his friends, but I had absolutely nothing in common with most of them and it ended up being more hurtful than anything. I've met ones more like me but it didn't happen until after Rob got back, haha.

I've never been pregnant but I can see the similarity, at least from the little I know. :-)

Caitlin said...

Oh and I know I'm dominating the comments here with my ineptitude but I made a ton of care packages when Rob was gone and I did every cute craft in the book, let me know if you need/want any ideas. :-)

Caitlin said...

Hey, better than 4 years eh? :-) Has he been in for 2 years then? Does he have plans to reenlist? I know is sounds *so* cliche and lame but it does go by pretty quickly. Especially the last few years. Are you guys planning on getting married while he's still in the army?