Saturday, February 16, 2008

Waddle Waddle


Ha Today I tried REALLY REALLY HARD to take a day off. I laid around in bed, talked to Adam for hours, ate..... but I just couldn't quite do it. My whole life revolves around all the bajillion projects have set for myself. I do really mean a bajillion. Though at the end of the day I need to get a picture of a horse for a lady yadda yadda yadda. So I went out treat bearing and of course they came running and I went to look at my very favorite horse Betcha Queen, who I spent a long time trying to get into foal last year. There she was at the end of the pasture, and lo and behold she was waddling. She is so fat she is halarious to watch. I am so excited about her baby come spring I could just go crazy. I took like 10 pictures of her to show Adam. We are going to have a baby (foal). I am so very excited. I saw all my buddies: Selby, Saber, Jazzy and Hawkeye. They are all super dee dupperdee fuzzy. I looked all all my 2s to send to Arizona to be started. I looked at my buckskin horse. Sheez he is a butthead. I am trying to figure out what to do with him. Should I take him to Washington?

So anyways That's life on a horse ranch. I am hoping the place in Washington pans out and I find a way to make it work. :) Then I will be able to put my horses in a safe place where I can keep and eye on them.


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