Tuesday, October 2, 2007

This one's for the Mina

So today like the total dufus I am I thought Adam would go to bed at the regular time around 2-3pm. So I didn't log in to my messenger because I thought he would be asleep. Well when I finally log in around 6 PM I find out that he has been hanging around waiting for me all this time!?! I guess I should know that when he says,"Go back to sleep we can talk when you wake up, I have the day off," I should know that means he is not going to sleep until he talks to me. I know that deep down inside that sometimes he literally won't rest until we have communicated. His schedule is so whack I never know when he is going to be up or asleep. So before he very sleepily tottered to bed (I could only make him go to bed by telling him he won... now we know who really won ;) ) I promised him I would write him an update of my day.

MY DAY By Jenna Otto

I woke up this morning around nine and growled about being sleepy since I stayed up late and then received a phone call around where I berated King for his lack of appreciation for my cheeto finding ability. I drug myself out of bed and into clothes when my Stepmom showed up to take me to the hospital to get my XRAYs. At the hospital I realized I forgot my insurance card. SO when we went to the bone doctor I had to tell them I forgot it. They made us wait an hour to see the doctor! So Kathy lent me this REALLY REALLY good book called Look Me in the Eye. It's about a guy with Asberger's syndrome. Very Very Funny. So then they took 3 xrays of my hand and 3 xrays of my foot. We pronounced my foot smushed and my hand broken. Then off to Asian Cusine. Oh it was sooooo yummy. (Yellow Curry Mina!) Then to the ranch and I realized that I had screwed up a bunch of important appointments. Everything is scheduled tomorrow for me being Colorado AND me being in Wyoming. I only managed to call one of these people. That means I have a lot of frantic scurrying to do. Arg. Then we went to Riverton and dropped of my prescriptions for more drugs and waited for Rae and Sarah to get out of school. Then we went and got my prescriptions and went home to help Sarah with homework. We got this done around 9 PM YEAY~!!!! Then I came home and tried not to stress about all the stuff I have to do tomorrow. I am setting my alarm for 5:30 am. I need to leave by 7 am. Wish me luck. So yeah I listened to my messages, switched over some laundry, finished sweeping the floor, picked up some dishes, looked at the Mina care packages(including Kin's cheetos), and gave up on everything to come to bed. Here I am writing you. TA DA. I love you mauwmater. Thats the best update I can give you. I left out a list about buying books from Amazon for you and Rae and I called Leon Harrel and I saw CoriAnn and I talked to Sarah's teachers and umm yeah.

Now I am reading the Secret Life of Bees, something I saw Lala was reading as well.

Toodles Beautiful. I cant wait for you to get that book I read today, Look me in the Eye(John Robison). It's sooooooo sooooooo gooooddd.

Love from the Myna to the Mina-- MAUW

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Secret Life of Bees-- I loved that book! It's a shame they all had to die in the end.

(just kidding)