Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fire and Ice

Ha You have to love Wyoming.

Last night I got to use my little cabin's wood stove for the first time of the season. I cleared away all the flammable things and did my fire starting thing. I think everyone has a bit of pyro in them and I am no exception. My wood stove is literally the smallest one they make. It is 8 x 12 x 14, but the space is so small that it is easy to have it 90 in there, if you really feed the fire. I have all these standards for fires. My most important standard is that you build it right so that you don't have to use any fire starter OR more then one match. Adam loves to watch me start fire in my stove because I love it and I get so intent getting it started and it becomes a personal validation thing. I cut my kindling just so. I end up almost singeing my eyebrows blowing on the fire. I end up covered in soot and smelling like smoke. He thinks I am funny.

So why this rant about how much we love wood fires? IT SNOWED LAST NIGHT! Like 4 inches, it's everywhere. As soon as I saw the snow start to accumulate I went got all the fire making supplies. It is pretty warm out -- in the 40s now, but I didn't let that stop me. I will cook in my house first. The snow will probably be all gone by the end of the week, but it is a reminder that winter is coming and I only have to survive winter, spring, and summer, then Adam comes home. :)

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