Tuesday, March 9, 2010


He called or rather imed me while I was driving. I hurriedly pulled over to the nearing parking lot and told him to call me. Apparently it's been busy in Iraq. I said,"Really?" He said,"Um yeah honey, watch CNN. It's all over the news..." I told him matter of factly,"I don't watch the news." I don't like to watch the news for a number of personal first hand experiences on how the news can be spun. Plus if anything important happens to my husband, I will hear about it from the Army loonnnngggg before the news. Why get worried and work up about something that probably didn't even happen in my husbands sector.

I watched the news a little bit, last deployment. When Adam told me how off it was it was a huge relief to stop watching the news. I'll read the news myself at news.google.com sometimes. Mostly I hear about things word of mouth. That's just the way I am.

So I feel a little better at having heard from him; it definitely lightened my day. I had a long day in the car driving from Fort Collins to Lander, WY and back. 10 hours in the car. Tomorrow we are headed for Arizona via Albuquerque. Going to be a long trip. I am tired just thinking about it.

I drove my husband's car today and that was pretty lonely. It seems like every little memory lately makes me burst out in tears. It's strange. I have counted the months off on my hands over and over trying to convince myself that I am past the half way point, but I am pretty sure no matter how I spin it, I am about half way through. I keep telling myself the last couple of months will go faster...... that I am over the hump... I am just going to keep telling myself that. It's easier that way.

Ha ha, my biggest dog Mac is running and yipping in his sleep. It's very funny to watch. Anyways. NIGHT

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