Saturday, March 13, 2010

Movie Trailers

Movie trailers make things not seems so far away. I saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D with Adam's younger sister Becca. It was pretty good. It was a little flat for me, a little empty. Actually the best thing about the whole dang movie was the trailer for Tron. I didn't like the first one and the new one looks meh, maybe it will be good. I noticed the release date for the movie is 12.17.10. Adam will be home then. We can see it together. I was so excited I almost jumped in my seat I was so excited. I feel like I may be over the hump. It almost feels like he may come home soon.

It's like the first signs of springs, but instead it's the first signs of the end of the deployment. Hey-- I'll take what I can get.

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