Monday, March 8, 2010

Death by Missing Someone

Do you think it's possible? I am beginning to think so, it certainly feels that way. I need a hug from Adam in the worst way. As I drive down the road it's like there is this little mantra in the back of my mind that is saying,"I need a hug. I need a hug. I need a hug..." It's very strange and distracting.

It has been a WEEK! Now I have gone longer then that without hearing from him before and I am sure other wives have also, but some how this week without a word is almost unbearable. What is kind of amusing is even when we do talk we don't really talk about much. I try and tell him what is going on here and he tries to understand and be helpful. Really though, we just say a lot of nonsense stuff and I love yous. Some how not being able to talk about even the nonsensical things is making me crazy. Sigh oh well.

I watch a lot more tv when Adam is gone. Not a little more A LOT MORE. It's like I binge on TV. In some ways I LOOOVVEEEE TV. I will watch it all weekend straight, and recently most of the weekdays as well; I am glued to it. I think it makes me forget about about everything and leave it all behind. It definitely has a drug like effect on me. Who needs alcohol -- I have television. Few calories, even few hungover feelings. For some reason I am really really tired. I had sort of a stressful day and tomorrow I will have another stressful day so I think I am going to catch some sleep (yeah my 9'o clock bedtime has rolled around and I am embarrassing)
GOOD NIGHT everyone and please Adam, find some internet soon. I am going crazy over here.....

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