Wednesday, March 12, 2008



Roger is what I am calling him. I think I might have found a home for him. There is a lady who might be interested in a dog for protection and companionship. He would be perfect for that.I talked to the humane society in Fort Worth and they said they receive 200 animals A DAY! Then they said they evaluate them and about 50% get adopted and the other 50% get put down. :( I think he would make the cut, he is smart, easy to get along with and howls in his sleep. It's been 3 days and he is figuring more crap out every day. :) He knows where we live. He has not been able to settle down at the barn, though. Pace, Pace, Pace, whine, whine. Hmm I think he might need more than 3 days. He has destroyed all the chew toys I gave him. I am very anxious to figure out his new home. I am out of dog food and chew toys. :) He is so damn smart. Though it really shows you how much work kids are, if he is even a quarter of what a kid is, which I am sure his is not, what a lot of work. Man he is smart! (Did I mention I was impressed by how smart he was?) I am not sure how smart I think a dog is supposed to be, but he pushes the boundaries. I will miss him when he is gone, but I feel so naggingly responsible when he is around, not only for his well being, but also for the stuff he might do to someone else. I also feel obligated to entertain him. He doesn't like to play, it scares him a little to much, he can't figure out you are playing, and he likes his chew toys. He will settle down for whomever keeps him long term. It's like having a very quiet roommate. I gotta turn out the light so Roger can sleep lol, or I gotta pick up something thing off the floor because Roger might eat it. I watch him like a hawk in case he looks like he needs out or is going to get into something he shouldn't. Sigh he is cool, but man oh man, what a job to watch him.

On to other goings on. MY COUCH FINALLY CAME. I ordered it a while back and it was supposed to be delivered in January. It's March. Hmnt. Regardless they are in Ivy green. I really like the color. The best part is the ENTIRE couch is a slipcovered, not just the pillows, the whole thing. So it can be washed, or changed! I think that's awesome. Maybe someday we will get a red velvet cover for Christmas. I bet that will go over like a lead balloon. Ha oh well, have plenty of time to worry about that.

On to another subject. I like it to be quiet when I sleep. I like it to be very dark too (I wasn't always that way, I slept with a night light until I was 14). Lately, I have been sleeping with my space heater on because it has been cold. Well, the last couple days, it hasn't been so cold. So instead I have been running it on "fan." This is so that the noise will out the noises outside so I don't hear them. Otherwise known as white noise. I have just noticed in the last couple days how much I like having the white noise. Weird huh? It is most beneficial for Roger though. He is not constantly awoken by stuff outside, in PARTICULAR the neighbor's dog barking incessantly. Ugh.
Anyways, it's bedtime. Night all.

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