Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I hate the Dallas Airport.

Truck One

The parking lot attacked me.

Truck Two

I had just got my cell phone functional when I was trying to find the ticket to get out. Apparently to even get out of the lot BEFORE you see the parking attendant you need to put it into a "ticket reader machine" that has one of those lift bars. I had to get really close to the ticket thing to get it in.

Truck Three

So I get the tickety-thingy, the bar lifts, I drive forward, but pull away a little so I don't hit the bar that lifts or the tickety stand. CRUNCH~HONK!

Truck Four

Apparently they had a problem with people driving around it and had installed a little barricade that was maybe 3 feet tall. Well exactly as tall as the crunch. To make it around it I had to pull in my mirrors to get around on the drivers side. They had the old style lifts that are like 5 and a half feet. Then they put a barricade on the other side. I had the light on in my truck... couldn't exactly see it. On top of that there is no obvious other exit or a light illuminates the area. So I cursed the whole way home.

I hate DFW. If I ever meet the person who thought that up, I will pull a Carrie Underwood on his car. That sux.

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