Wednesday, November 7, 2007

More Sympathetic


Today I am feeling more sympathetic, so today would be a better day to complain to me. The hard thing is I know that Adam is doing everything humanely possible to speak with me and keep me informed. He doesn't want to keep me in the dark he just has no choice. It seem like such a sci-fi thing to wish that some government agency didn't infiltrate our relationship. I have been feeling under for the last 2-3 days and I am feeling a bit better though I can't seem to get rid of the allergies. I wish I knew of a way to make this space between us easier right now. We both do. I know me getting upset doesn't help, but honestly not much does so you take it as you can. As you can see today I am feeling more logical, it comes and goes.

I hope the butthead is okay and I know he has not really given up and we can just add some of this stuff to our ever growing "we'll talk about /deal with it when he gets back " list. Sigh. For some reason my internet is being flaky on me. Not good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jenna. I'm sorry that everything seems to be going haywire right now for you. Even on the good days, having the man you love be a bajillion miles away still sucks. On the bad days... well, it's just better to try not to remember the bad days.

Hang in there girl. He's going to come home eventually. Deployment doesn't last forever. Although if it isn't 'he's coming home tomorrow,' it feels like forever.