Tuesday, January 22, 2008

is it really stressful?

I had someone comment today about how I was always tired and that I wasn't doing super long days at work, so why was I tired? Well, I said just stress on top of everything else, having Adam in Iraq is stressful and all the work it is going to take to move and all the other family obligations that I have, it just adds up to a lot. She looked me in the face and said, "But is it really that stressful that it makes you tired?"

Um YES it is. I am sorry that you do not feel like that is not stressful enough to qualify being tired. I am sorry that you feel like I do not work hard enough to be tired. What a ridiculous question! I am working and paying to be here, if I didn't want to work why would I be here? SO under that logic I am not "faking" being tired.

Here lets try an experiment. Let's take the person you love the most and put them in a 9 hour time difference away. Then lets remove your ability to talk to that person unless A) they contact you or B) you write them a letter. Then let's add the stories about them not sleeping or eating enough and the everyday dangerous situations they are in. Now to add to this mix they only thing that you can do for them is to send them things in boxes that they are stuck with. NOW to make things really really fun read the FRG website or the military news and try to GUESS what is going on over there. Add a dash of there-is-no-way-you-can-understand-what-he-is-going through. Now multiply that by 15 months. That is a SIMPLIFIED version of what kind of stress you might be facing. There are a number of other things that happen stateside that really suck to: um no holidays with the person, um the inability to share those special moments... Sigh I just could not believe she said that to me. What kind of small sheltered little world do you live in? Oh well, please God give me guidance to never look upon another's plight with such indifference.

Now I understand the 90% of civilians don't get this stuff. I can appreciate that it's not you world it just doesn't involve you. That's ok with me. But to have blatant disregard and to criticize me for being tired? ummm definitely not ok. I guess I am going to go to bed earlier tonight. But what a joke.

As for Lala, I will be moving close to Fort Lewis(which is near Olympia), Adam told me to go start looking for places to live... fun fun! Neither of us wants to nor can afford to live in a hotel while we find a place. With that decided I am thinking about "house hunting."

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