Monday, January 21, 2008

Closing in.

Finally after months and months and now 5 months to go, I fell a little panicky that the end of the deployment might be kicking in and I have to figure out "what's next". It's a good panicky. Now here is the question. How do we both go from being apart for 15 months and really 5 years to figuring out how our "books will mingle on the shelves." A friend of mine was telling us this story about how her parents didn't live together before they got married. What her mother said was when she thought about living together before marriage, she decided not to because she had a hard time seeing her books "mingling" on the same shelves as her husband to be's book. I just thought that was really funny. It has some truth to it. There is some merit to bringing all your stuff together and trying to make it work. Granted I have more stuff then he does. Mainly horses and horse stuff.

In light of it all I might just take the summer off as much as I can to try and adapt to our new life. I am one of those people that has to be doing something: have a path or a goal or a point. SOMETHING. So do I try and find a point? I mean THE BIG point is to be with Adam. The other point is to keep riding. I think I might try and do some computer work as well. I definitely do not want the point to be playing World of Warcraft all the time because I don't know what else to do, or to full time "house wife" : laundry, cooking, cleaning, and preening. NO. Well maybe if Adam made a lot more money, but very unlikely. It truly is a pickle. I am just trying to get my head around this whole thing. We have been wanting to be able to even live in the same place since we started dating. This will really be a crash course. I will remember that on the days I want to tear my hair out. If you know Adam :) you know what I am talking about.

Regardless my first horse show went well. Apparently, I am good at this. I hope I find a way to make it all work. Well we will one way or another.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So you're moving to Washington in 5 months??? I'm moving there in 4! Where in Washington (hours from Seattle?)? I'm so nervous. I'm def. a southern girl. Gotta uproot myself and hope for the best, right?

I'm actually a little nervous about mingling the books... Most of my relationship with Matt has been over the phone, since he's been out of state for most of our relationship. I wonder... Is this normal? Healthy?

We're about to find out, aren't we?