Thursday, April 16, 2009

Here we go again!

How does the housework in your family? In ours, both and neither. I work pretty much full time and beyond and we all know Adam does as well. We do laundry when we have no clean clothes and do dishes when they pile up. I have been doing some massive cooking and some cleaning and Adam pitches in around the edge, but Go--am, our house is always a mess!

I hate hate hate it. Can't bring people over because that would involve cleaning the house. We try, and we do a big once through of the house, but we are limited about how much trash we are allowed to throw out each week. It is so expensive to get rid of trash here I can see why people let the trash build up around the house.

My other problem is, I never really fully move into a house, I know I am going to have to move again. Which is why I am being such a pain about wanting to buy my next house. Then I can take out the stupid shit the people before me left behind. The house we are in has too many wall and too many tiny closets that you can barely put anything in.

Adam and I are both the "go" people--we are always going going going. Add to the fun of we are always constantly looking for stuff. We use but don't always put it back. Yesterday I asked Adam if he could help with some housework and he looked at me and said,"Myna, I have to have downtime sometime." He is right, he just came off a 24 hour CQ shift and he has had a chance to relax since the weekend before when we ran errands all weekend. It's been a zoo.

It's just overwhelming really. Sigh, anyways I have to do some real work. Yesterday I worked until 7:3o at night and I came and Adam had fallen asleep playing pokemon with no dinner.

How do you guys manage this stuff?


Jenny said...

Sometimes I just pick the one thing that's important, that makes me feel as if the house is clean, even if it really isn't. For example, washing the dishes. Even if the floors are terrble and all the laundry is in baskets, I feel so accomplished looking at a clean sink! I do "deep" cleaning (or attempt to) once a week. I turn on the radio, brew coffee and just throw myself into it.

When Keith was here, he did stuff in the yard and garage while I worked in the house. Sometimes he would help me in the house, but actually, sometimes he got under foot and didn't do things "right."(blush!)

We'll have to work out a whole new routine when he comes back.

Nikki said...

I pick one day a week that is cleaning day. I take about 4-5 hours and get it all done. Once a week cleaning the house seems to be just fine. I may do touch ups during the week that take no more that 5 minutes. We are blessed to have a dish washer and I refuse to ever live without one again! And laundry, well that's just a nightmare in my world!!

liberal army wife said...

Exactly Indiana. ONE thing. mine is also the kitchen. when that is clean, I seems to be able to avoid the piles of newspapers in the living room and the unmade bed. But the dishwasher - greatest thing ever. We lived in one house for years when we were Guard - no DW.. when we built one, that was the first thing I designed the kitchen around!

Laundry - when I'm out of underwear - ok, then it's got to get done! When Chief ISN'T downrange (he is now) he helps although he has been forbidden to wash any of my clothes other than the skivvies.. I got tired of my sweaters being ruined. and why IS it wrong to just grab the clean clothes out of the laundry basket? :)

Do you know anyone that could swap housecleaning for something else with you? Like - you do the grocery shopping for her, or baby sit, and she/he would come over and do the basics, like vacuum, bathrooms, dust? Just a suggestion.


Unknown said...

i have no advice. my house is a disaster right now. i'm working 5+ days a week, and i leave at 8 am, i'm home around 7pm, there is no energy left in me.

BEFORE this awful schedule of mine, i was the one cleaning stuff (matt's idea of cleaning the toilet was using the disposable toilet want and flushing..."You have to wipe the seats???!?"...and his idea of a clean kitchen is a dish-less sink...[iow- the countertops haven't been wiped down in a week or so]). so anyway. my point is: you're not the only one who is sick of having a dirty messy house but who is just too damn tired to do anything about it. i mean, seriously, i'm having to squint through the toothpaste splatters on the mirror to do my makeup.

but tonight, i'll just go to bed early and leave it for another day. tomorrow: rinse, repeat.