Friday, August 17, 2007

Spoiled Rotten

Okay girls step back, I know that I have and currently date the sweetest, caringest, most lovable, wonderful, amazing, Myna-loving, incredible, unbelievable, fantastic boyfriend in the entire universe. For me, there exist no other being who understands me the way Adam does. I thank God every night from the bottom of my heart that Adam is in my life and still talking to me.

Adam and my one year anniversary (for this time around) is Labor Day. In order to make sure everything arrived on time he sent it a little early (so thoughtful and attentive to detail!!). I came home today and there were two boxes waiting for me. One was M and M's in my favorite color with little message inscribed on them. What a great gift. Then in the other box, there was a brand-spanking, shiny, drool-worthy new 80 gb video Ipod. I was floored. It is really nice and it is engraved as well with Happy Anniversary! What a sweet and thoughtful gift. I feel quite guilty because I know I got one because I was drooling over his video ipod when he got his. He is so sweet and considerate, I was drooling over the Iphone too, but I told him I thought they were overrated and he totally remembered. I have never dated someone who is so attentive to me. He listens to me and almost always knows what I need or want. Even when he is halfway around the world in the sweltering heat, and uncomfortable situations, he still find time to think of something to give me for our anniversary. It blows me away sometimes.

Well if you get a chance to read this Adam: Thank you for finding the time, love care, and devotion to spend on me and with me. I love you so dearly, and I hope I can think of something good to get you for our anniversary. MAUW!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Well Thanks for stopping by :)