Sunday, August 5, 2007

Care Package

Sending care packages is always fun. They take me a while to put together because I like to write a note telling Adam whats in the box and what I intended him to do with it.

My favorite thing that I have sent him are tennis balls. ("These are for when you can't sleep: throw them at what/who- ever is keeping you awake.")

His favorite thing that I have sent is probably his blanky....... I sent him a large handmade blanket (which I made with help from my roommate at the time Brooke(Thanks!)). It was flannel squares that were green and then alternated with squares of blue matchbox trucks. The other side was blue tee-shirt material. The result was a blanket that felt heavy, but was not hot at all. In the corner we sewed a little green heart that Brooke embroidered to say,"My Myna loves me." He likes it cuz it rolls up to be pretty small and usually even if he has to go far he can take it with him.

So when its time to go shopping for care package food I stroll the junk food aisles. I mean lets be honest here, anything that is even remotely healthy for will not withstand the 120 + degree heat for 2 weeks. I mean I am not really sure that you should eat anything that will survive those conditions....

Usually I get pop tarts, goldfish and fruit cups/dried fruit, those are sort of staples and I know he will eat them. He is really freaking picky... :: rolls eyes:: SOMETIMES I get him candy and cookies that won't melt. You get to be really creative . I found these Reeses snack bars... They have chocolate on them, so they might melt, but I can't send him any kind of regular chocolate (and he really doesn't like it that much). SO hopefully these will hold together enough.

Since he doesn't like most power /protein bars I send him those milk and cereal bars meant for kids. He also likes the Quaker Chewy granola bars. This time I am sending him some dry cereal.

Then I always pack the latest bunch of letters and magazines. Sometimes a book, sometimes a movie. I tend to keep a running box of stuff that can go into care packages, because I see things all the time, and whatever I am getting him its going to keep. It's pretty fun.

Then I get one of those flat rate priority boxes from the post office and the customs slips.... TA DA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was searching around google looking for some good ideas for care packages that I could send my boyfriend when he deploys and this blog popped up. After I read the first blog, I got really interested in what you had to say, so I read the rest of them. I can completely relate to you. My boyfriend, who I met in high school, is in the Army (he joined before we started dating too) and is being deloyed soon. He's stationed 1300 miles from me, so I rarely get to see him. And you are definitely right about he stolen days. He came home for a week to see me and I got terribly upset the night we thought he was leaving. Things ended up working out right for us and he got to stay most of the next day before he had to leave. I cerish that last day so much. Of course, I try to talk about my relationship with my friends and none of them really get it. They don’t understand how hard it is. Being in college, I have friends who have boyfriends that go to a different college than them. They all try to tell me that they know how hard is having a "long-distance" relationship. Their definition of long-distance is at max a two-hour drive. They get to see their boyfriends probably every couple of weeks, where I've seen mine twice (for a week each) in the 10 months we've been seeing each other. I know I don't yet understand how hard you have it until my boyfriend deploys. Lets just say, I'm not looking forward to that, worrying about the danger he will be in and when is the next time I might get to steal a few minutes of his time to talk to him. Anyway, it is really nice to see that there are others out there that understand what its like to be army girlfriend. I really hope that things work out for you and Adam and that you get to talk to him soon!