Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Settled In

I like Fort Collins a lot. I would almost go as far as to say.... I might just love it. Maybe. My new house is great, my roommates are nice, kitchen is huge, there is space for my horses and all my stuff.I am really comfortable there. There is a Whole Foods next to a King Soupers and where I live you can see the stars really clearly. The person who owns the house lent me a comfortable futon until my stuff gets there, which was sweet. There is horse stuff everywhere, I practically salivate when I see indoor arenas. It's gotta be some sort of disease.

On the note of the grocery stores, I do miss the commissary. I can't believe how expensive groceries are when you are shopping at whole foods. Everything just looks really good there. Sigh. So now the job hunt. I have been looking. I don't want to get a fill in job unless I have to. I have done fill in jobs and now I want something that either gives me experience or makes a lot of money or is really fun. If it doesn't fit those criteria... well I don't know. It jsut seems liek jobs you "settle" for don't make sense in the long run. You are unhappy you don't work you hate it. It's not worth it. You gotta do something you can live with day in and day out.

Today was very funny I had to pee really bad while I was driving between Fort Collins and Colorado Springs and there are no restrooms between the two places so I pulled off and there was a Four Points Sheraton. So I peed there. Most people pee at a gas station or a McDonalds. Last time I was in San Fransisco there was no place to go downtown so I went at the downtown 4 Seasons. We just walked in like we were staying there. It worked. Pretty funny huh?

Well I am in C. Springs for some wrap up of projects and then I will be headed back up to Fort Collins. I am tempted to drive home this weekend and get some meat out of my Dads freezer, but I am tryign to wait until my sister's birthday so can pick up my horse too. Well really Adam's horse. I think he might be there in 2 weekends. I am sooo excited. I gotta get back in riding shape. Things are definitely looking up!

PS Thanks to Mina for the Beautiful Flowers


Anonymous said...

Jenna, I read in today's news that "the DoD said Wednesday that it would pay an additional $500 a month in retroactive compensation to troops who were prevented from leaving the military under the contentious policy known as stop-loss." Doesn't make things right, but it helps.


EngineerChica said...

Glad to hear there are lots of horse things around. I'd love it, too! (I'm sooo jealous!) What do you ride?

I found your blog via another milblogger and just wanted to say hi!