Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Another Night

Just another night. I am hoping Adam gets on and I know he probably won't. It's bedtime and I wander aimlessly around the in-tar-web. I check my comics ( Ctl Alt Del and Dominic Deegan). Then I check all my favorite blogs which are the ones I have linked. I check google news , and I read any remotely interesting stories, especially any about Ron Paul.

Then I blog. I have this meandering waiting moment. All my thoughts are consumed by him for a short while as I get ready to sleep. I know it's morning there and I hope that his day is starting off well. Another night with out him, but another day down. We have been over the halfway point for a while.

I am not sure how much you can know a person when they are gone as much as the soldiers are. You know who they are from who they were when they left, and who you are counting on them being, but the little snippets that we have together either on the phone or im aren't really enough to know someone. A year and a half is a long time. Even if you weren't doing anything note worthy everyday, you would still change in a year and a half. I think sometimes about how he will be different. I won't say I am looking forward to it, but I am interested in really working together to carve out a life for ourselves together, whomever he has become.

I am falling asleep in front of my computer, I guess its time to log. Night every one.
Night Mina.

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