Monday, December 17, 2007


Hurry up and wait..... our favorite army joke. ::looks around:: well I am waiting. Christmas is coming, and I never really liked it due it to always involving strenuous travel growing up. I see everyone and their holiday cheer, but this year I can't buy into it. I already sent Adam his Christmas stuff so Christmas is done for me. Anything else I send won't get there until after Christmas so I am kind of feeling indifferent. I got some wonderful Christmas gifts already so I am kind of done.

Still no word. At times like these with no word your mind begin to play not so fun tricks on you, the most silly of which is that you think he has forgotten you. I know he has not forgotten. Chalk another on up to the army and remind yourself that one of these days he is going to come home and you are going to figure it out together and everything else will seem like happily ever after. At least that's the plan.
I hope the reason he hasn't called me is that they have put him to work so he isn't constantly reminded that he is away from home at Christmas. If it were me, I would occupy every waking hour so I fell into bed exhausted, no time for musing before sleep. I think the army does that to them anyways. I just hope he actually is eating and sleeping.

Well here is to hope that other army significant others are with their sweeties and that those who aren't are with their families, friends, and their support groups. If you don't hear from me, don't worry I haven't forgotten, I am just busy hurrying up and waiting. :)

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