Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Friendly, but not too friendly

Army culture makes me laugh. Where we live people are nice, not friendly. They will say hi and smile (and be very polite), but never introduce themselves. We take special care never to try and meet people. As Adam says, if you don't know them you don't have to salute. Plus every army person I have ever met frowns upon fraternizing outside you rank, yadda yadda yadda.Whatever.

Consequently, the wives, girlfriends aren't wanting to be friendly and make friends or introduce themselves. But there is one lady who is nice, and I took them some muffins. She is always nice. The husband came down to introduce himself, and I was so worried about meeting them I was kind of short with them. Adam doesn't want to make friends, but I do. I was so excited because he didn't have a short haircut! They aren't military. That means maybe I could be allowed to be friends. If you read that sentence, don't fall off your chair laughing or think that is a bizarre statement then you have lived army too long.

So anyways, I gained a bunch of weight and I haven't been wanting to leave the house and be in public, cuz I don't fit my clothes and nothing really looks flattering on me right now. But I have to go to the show. Adam said to me last night,"You can't just complain that you are fat. You have to go work out and not cheat on your diet.I can't make you not cheat and I can't make you go. It's personal decision. If you want to go you will go." He is right. So yesterday I went and bought about 4 pairs of uber cheap walmart workout clothes, and today I went to work out. I have eaten only good stuff today. Maybe it will last, but I am not going to stress about it, because if I do I will stress eat!

I talked with my check in person, and she noticed how I am not concretizing what I need and not making sure I get it and its bringing me down. It's not just enough to love Adam and I agree. So thats why I made sure I worked out today. It's so simple. Literally the workout place is 100 yards from my door, and open from 7 am to 10 pm. I work out for just 20 minutes and I come home. There is usually hardly anyone ever there. Anyways. It's a process. I feel a lot more at peace with myself today now that I went to work out. :: shrug::


Rebecca said...

I recently found your blog. I'm a Navy girlfriend. I just recently discovered the milblog world and maybe it will help me a little bit to know what to expect in the military life.

.... said...

I am sorry that you are having issues feeling like you can't be friends with someone....I can tell you all the things you probably already know, but the bottom line is, you can befriend anyone, it matters not who their spouse is in the military....if they do not want to be your friend, it is not on you, it is their loss.

When I meet someone out of our unit, someone who does not know who I am that is a spouse of a soldier, I never tell them who or what my husband does....it makes it so much better if I don't, as soon as it comes out, if they have no idea WHO I AM, then the red flags of "oh, I can't be your friend because....." whatever the reason, his rank, job, their issues with me because of it....I have been the president of an Enlisted Spouses Club, had nothing to do with our unit, the FRG, nothing...and I made sure that the members, all spouses of enlisted service members, both active duty and retired, knew that I am ME, and I am not defined by my husband and thus he should not factor into your relationship with me....

I wont tell you that it always works, because there are just going to be people who have issues with frat within the rank structure of the military when it comes to spouses...it just is what it is....but the more people who just ignore it and move on to what they want and befriend who they want, the less it will be evident....it will never be perfect but remember, someone is friends with you because they see someone they want to be friends with....but you have to also not be so hard on yourself....you are also not defined by the fact that you gained weight, trust me, been there, done that....

I can't tell you what to do, or how to act, but I can give you some advise....just be you, be friends with who you want to be friends with and always remember that tomorrow is a new day, diets get broken, we get to busy to workout....but you can always begin anew tomorrow....

I promise you that this military life is not always going to make you feel so isolated....it shouldn't and I'm sorry that it does.

S.J. said...

What Adam says is exactly what my sailor says if I am complaining about working out or eating poorly. I think that it's true, so keep up the good workouts :) You can do it!!!

S.J. said...

Oh by the way...a few more months

Caitlin said...

Rob says the exact same thing when I complain about my body. Makes sense I guess.

Enjoy working out, it really does make you feel so awesome. I wish I had more time to do it.

Nice talking to you the other day.


Good for you! You know me.. I have to squeeze in some yoga and cycling or else I just feel awful. Maybe you should find a yoga class. I think you would really like it. No, don't say, "But I'm not flexible." Yeah, that's exactly why you need to be doing yoga.

Once I started, my body responded almost immediately. I was doing something that felt good to my body. The same goes with cycling. You have to find something that your body agrees with or else, you just won't enjoy it.

Good luck with the making new friends thing too. I bet you make a new friend at the gym. I bet you do!!!

Isn't a soldier's wife the best? She always gives the best advice!


Oh and No, my soldier's mother does not read my blog. :)

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