Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Beleated Thanksgiving!

No I haven't forgotten about you.
Adam and I went to visit Adam's Family for T-Day and we had a good time. Granted we didn't do a whole lot. I sat in front of the TV and knitted and Adam sat in front of the tv and played WoW. I think they were disappointed we didn't do more, but we were so happy to have a break.

I started a new job at a customer service place from 6 am to 8 am and I really like getting up when he does. I can do my yarn business stuff after words. While we were on vacation my horses decided to break out and led my friend who was watching them on wild chase that took up most the day. Apparently the electric fence had come unplugged. Not good.

We had a lot of fun and ate a TON of food on vacation. I can feel myself getting wider. Time to hit the gym. I told myself I would be less busy this time of year and I just seem to get busier and busier. I have no idea how this happens. I am not even caught up in holiday stuff. Yet. Anyways.
I'll write more later.


New Girl on Post said...

Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!

I'm with you on hitting the gym. I swear I gained a couple of pounds over the weekend.

Rebecca said...

Sounds like you had a relaxing Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoy your new job.


Glad things are well with you two. Enjoy the holidays!! (And get thee to a gym! Its good for you!!)


Abbie said...

Hi Jenna! I'm new to blogging and my husband is in the process of enlisting. I found your blog through another army-wife blog that I was looking at. I'm just trying to gain some perspective on what I'm in for. Any advice you could give would be great:)

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