Saturday, June 30, 2007

3 AM

Ya know, I have to say I have grown to love the sound of my cell phone's ring in the middle of the night. Adam is the main person who calls me on my cell partly because I don't get good cell reception in Wyoming and partly because Adam is my best friend and he is the main person who calls. So last night around three I leapt out of bed to grab the phone from where I had left it plugged in knowing it had to be him calling. Its amazing how tuned into the phone I am now. I could be dead asleep. If that phone rings I am up!

There wasn't much to say we talked for a little, I told him about the weather (95 - he said how nice and cool!!). We tried to make arrangements for his emmenient arrival (next weekend hopefully) and since we won't know much until he has the tickets in his hot little hands....

He gets midtour leave early and I feel mixed about this, not like I have much of a choice about how it goes anyways, but I know the 3 months has been really hard and now we get a break and get to see each other and that 12 months is going to be brutal. :( Not fun... But I will worry about that after he goes.

He sent me 8 letters in the mail the other day and they were very sweet ad reassuring.

Good luck to others and their late night phone calls!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Ha Ha

Look it is yet another place to waste time on the internet. I have to say I hardly keep up with my myspace, facebook, and I even once had a livejournal account. I'm not a terribly prolific writer, I usually save all my letter writing abilities for the butthead (that would be my boyfriend Adam).

Butthead and I we are like two peas in a very strange pod. I don't think I know anyone in the world who can make me laugh as hard as he can. Sadly, very sadly he left to go to Iraq because he signed a contract with the government that said they could make him go to Iraq (we weren't dating then) and guess what, they decided it was time to go.

Now no one in my family had ever been in the military. So I had no idea what to expect. Well let me put it this way. It's a lot screwier than I ever could have imagined. I didn't know the army could do what it does do to people. It totally threw me for a loop. Not to mention totally pissed me off when I realized how utterly insignificant any of my concerns or objections were. Or how totally inane the army's decision making process is.

I talk to Adam's Mom all the time and she clues me in which is helpful. We send Adam a lot of care packages, I try to think of fun creative things to send. The best thing I have sent so far in my opinion was a package of tennis ball to throw at snoring people (since he shares a room with at least 20 other guys) . I think he liked the simple blanket that I got a friend to help me sew together the best. I tried to make a light and soft blanky and I wrote on it "My Myna Loves me."

Anyways thats my story so far...

The Myna