Friday, May 9, 2008

Putting in my hours

I have been working pretty hard lately. I am logging in the hours and the hard stuff that no one wants to do full tilt. You want good karma you have to make it. I am not saying I am not saying that because I have done some of the difficult stuff I deserve an easy time, I am saying if I put enough good stuff out there it is going to have to come back and bite me in the ass.

One of my coworkers said she would get up in the morning and feed the herd we have going, but then called late and asked if I could do it. She is off with her boyfriend, helping him change a transmission. Talk about love, lol. I told her I would do it. I have been picking up some of the slack I see, not all of it, but some of it.

This is why: when Adam comes home I am going to take at least 4 weeks if not MORE off. I am going to: DO NOTHING -- CHILL OUT -- DON'T F*ING BUG ME -- OFF. I am going to sleep, I am going to baby Adam, and I am not going to worry. I am going to cook and decorate and meet him after work. We are going to dgo do anything that he wants to do. I am going to lounge and use the pool and sleep as much as I want. I am going to turn the place we live into the most comfortable functional space it can be within my budget.

Most of all I am not going to catch any flak for it. I don't CARE what you think about me spending as much time with Adam as I want as is humanely possible. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME EARNING MONEY, TAKING CLASSES, OR GETTING A JOB. I won't hear any criticism from anyone for a month! I am going to ride my horses, enjoy the outdoors and do what ever I can to get me and Adam healthy and happy and do what is right for the both of us. I don't care if you think that what I do with him or for him is silly or over th top. I will protect his down time and any time with my with an unyielding amount of ferocity.

So I am putting in the hours of that's shitty and this isn't really my job, and being nice to people, and putting up with other people's incompetence and problems. I am not talking about work, just ANYONE in my life who holding me down or back for any reason.

I need a break. I am going to make sure that both Adam and I get one.


S.J. said...

Sounds like the perfect plan. Very few people understand what we go through with deployments and I think a couple deserves some re-cooperating time afterwards.

Keep up the hard work, good karma will catch up with you three-fold.

Caitlin said...

Rock on. That block leave is kick-ass, Rob and I had a total blast and went to Florida and frolicked around. Glorious. Have fun :)

New Girl on Post said...

I think it sounds like you need a nice long break where you do nothing but whatever you want to do.

Hope you have a good weekend!

Jenna said...

Adam and I are probably not going to take block leave. We need to save up leave.