Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Change, but not that much change.......

People change as they get older, they grow apart, they grow together. I have always believed that if you are not actively attempting to grow towards each other you are growing away from each other. Sometimes you look at couple 30 years down the road and you realized they have grown apart and they have compromised for a long time, but the apart-ness is too big of a void.

I always try to make sure that Adam and I are doing things that are together, I play more video games now because he likes video games, and when he is home we go to the movies more. I love these things, and because he loves them to I have let that part of me be cultivated.

Living in Fort Collins now with my horses and my dogs shows me several things though. I have changed, but not that much. I still love to ride and I love to cook and I am pretty much the same person I was in high school. Caring about most of the same stuff. I mean now I want a job and more adult things, but I still find much of the same stuff I did in high school enjoyable.

When people I haven't seen for a while ask me what or how I am doing, I always say I am pretty much into the same stuff. I always think its funny when people expect other people to change. They will change, but not that much.

I am really enjoying my horses and the warm dry air here. I have a couple more pieces to fit in the puzzle and then things will be as perfect as they can get with Adam being away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

R u ready for Christmas?
