Friday, August 15, 2008

Late Long and Frustrating

Oh the joy of customers. You can't let them get to you. Sigh.

I am dying yarn like a crazy person getting ready for this trade show.

I am not really sure what else to say. I am working really hard right now. Meh, we all are right.

Being with my Mom makes me a little crazy anyways. I don't want to be too much like her, because I don't always approve of how she treats people. I am like her because I am related to her and she helped raise me. Sometimes it is hard to be me when she is around. I have to work extra hard to be nice to people. I question myself more. Putting things in perspective is harder. Being me is harder.

It doesn't help that I am already trying to figure out who I am. I have been poking through the book A New Earth. I think some of his points are good but I find his book to be hypocritical. I think he is right though in about who are you if lost everything family, stuff, job, country. Who would you be? I think that is a good point.

People being upset at em still bothers me. People's criticism still bothers me. I know I am going to have to take a lot more. So here is to being strong....



Caitlin said...

Sounds frustrating. It's a great time to find yourself though, with so many changes going on. Hang in there and good luck!


You'll get there. The New Earth is a lot to take in! I love it but I've read so many books previous to it that it makes complete sense to me.

I can tell you this: when people criticize you, it is never about you.