Thursday, January 17, 2008

Brr 4-2


I constantly think that this blog is about Adam and me and it's true it is, but I try not to write stuff that is just about my life because it doesn't seem like the right thing to do. However that said, part of our relationship is me I guess and maybe I should write a little more about what I am doing.

So I heard from Adam pretty recently, I guess other people from the same group (battalion? Company? Squad?) hadn't heard from their loved ones and were worried. But not Adam, no matter how tired or busy he finds time to get a hold of me. I know that I should wish that he would sleep instead, and I do fervently believe that he should do everything in hos power to take care of himself. I can't help, but feel a little smug to know that when other people are grabbing precious sleep, Adam is figuring out a way to get a hold of me. Talk about feeling loved from the other side of the world.

Adam and I are one of those smothering couples. Most couples need time apart. Adam and I don't. We don't focus on each other all the time, but we like to be in the same room or near each other if at all possible as much as possible. I am told this will fade, but it didn't when we went to school together so we will see.

Speaking of school, I returned to my old boarding school ( The Orme School ) and I met up with a bunch of old teachers and saw all the places and it was so great to see everything! Adam and I have so many memories there. I saw one of my favorite professors, Mr. Brockert. It's amazing how you never stop calling them by there last name. Everyone was so happy that I had brought photos to show of Adam and I together. I bought some tee shirts for us and generally had a good time. I spent so many good years there that it was hard to leave when it was time to go. I would love to work there someday.

I am still trying to figure out where I fit in the world and where I should go next. It was funny to see that most people are trying to do that. It is a struggle and people keep telling me I need a break or Jenna time, but I feel like all time is Jenna time. But I guess it is not so I am going to do what the "Mommie" ordered and take a long hot bath and turn my little bathroom heater on.

On a final note Adam's Mom send this video from youtube, and it is ABSOLUTELY hilarious: The Mom Song

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